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ture 2

Inflection table for this verb
infinitivepresentpastpresent perfectimperative
å tureturerturahar turatur!
turethar turet
turtehar turt
Inflection table for the participles of this verb
perfect participlepresent participle
masculine /
neuterdefinite formplural
tura + nountura + nounden/det tura + nountura + nounturende
turet + nounturet + nounden/det turede + nounturede + noun
den/det turete + nounturete + noun
turt + nounturt + nounden/det turte + nounturte + noun


og lavtysk turen, duren ‘vedvare’, av tur (1; sammenblanding av dansk ‘reise om’

Senses and Example Sentences

  1. Example
    • drikke og ture
  2. Example
    • ture jul
  3. buse (2, 1), braute, i forbindelsen

Set phrases

  • ture fram
    drive hensynsløst på