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Frequently asked questions:

Why isn't the app working?

The Ordbøkene app and its content are no longer being updated, so you should use this website instead. Read more on the help page on how to create a shortcut to the dictionaries on your mobile device's home screen.

Why are some words missing in the dictionaries?

There are many words, both old and new, that are not included in dictionaries, but that you can still use. Normally, new words do not enter the dictionaries until they have been in use for a while and are established in the language. In the Revision Project, we add new words and remove unjustified gaps in the selection of words in the two dictionaries, but some of these gaps are due to differences between the two written languages. Read more on the information page

Can I avoid having to click "show inflection" and "show article"?

Yes, you can change this in settings, located at the bottom of the page and in the navigation menu. Choose “Always show inflection tables in expanded articles”.

Which pages need to be open for the dictionaries to work during the exam?

See what domains must be open

Contact information

The content of the dictionaries

Feedback and questions regarding words, inflected forms and other content of the dictionaries:

Functionality and bug reports

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