Adding a shortcut on your smartphone

The website, ordbø, has a responsive design. This means that the dictionary content adapts to screens of all sizes. If you wish to have a shortcut to Bokmålsordboka and Nynorskordboka on your smartphone, search for ordbø in the browser and place it as an icon on the screen. The icon looks like an app, and you can click right into the website without opening your browser.

  • Open the welcome page of in the browser.
  • Safari (iPhone) Safari logo

    1. Select the share icon in the browser Share icon.
    2. From the double row of sub-options, select the icon "Add to Home Screen" Rectangle with a plus sign You may need to drag the row from the right to get to the icon.
  • Chrome Chrome logo

    1. Open the main menu in the browser: Three dots, icon
    2. A list of options appears. Select "Add to home page", a little down the list: Arrow and mobile screen, icon
    3. A new window appears asking you to add ordbø to your home screen. Click "Add".
  • Samsung Internet Samsung-nettleser, logo

    1. Open the main menu in the browser: Three horizontal lines, icon
    2. Click "Add page to" at the top right in the menu: Large plus sign, icon
    3. Choose "Home screen" in the window that appears.

The icon Ordbøkene, icon is now on your home screen, and you can access the dictionary page directly by clicking on it.