Dictionary revision

The Bokmålsordboka and Nynorskordboka are currently undergoing an extensive content update. During the period 2018–2024, an editorial group is revising both dictionaries from a to å. The most important tasks are to bring in new words and update meanings, and make sure that the content is in line with current language use. Making the selection of words more similar in the two dictionaries is also a priority. More information can be found on the Dictionary Revision Project’s website (in Norwegian).

Current editorial staff of Bokmålsordboka and Nynorskordboka:

  • Anne Engø, editor 2018–2024
  • Marita Kristiansen, editor 2020–2021
  • Gunn Inger Lyse, editor 2018–2024
  • Mikkel Ekeland Paulsen, PhD candidate 2019–2023
  • Margunn Rauset, project manager 2018–2024
  • Kjersti Sørum Mjelde, PhD candidate 2024–2028
  • Bente Selback, editor 2018–2024
  • Kari-Anne Selvik, editor 2018–2024
  • Klara Sjo, editor 2020–2024
  • Marie Lund Stokka, editor 2020
  • Terje Svardal, editor at the Norwegian Language Collections

Quality controllers in the Language Council of Norway:

  • Sturla Berg-Olsen, senior adviser
  • Knut E. Karlsen, senior adviser
  • Dagfinn Rødningen, senior adviser
  • Ålov Runde, senior adviser

IT Developers at the University of Bergen

  • Sawrav Chowdhury, head engineer, IT department
  • Henrik Askjer, head engineer, Norwegian Language Collections
  • Eirik T. Gullaksen, head engineer, IT department
  • Paul Meurer, senior engineer, Norwegian Language Collections
  • Silje Scholl, staff engineer, IT department 2022
  • Nils Øverås, head engineer, IT department
  • Ole Voldsæter, head engineer, IT department 2019–2021

Netlife has conducted user surveys and prepared design sketches for ordbøkene.no.