Advanced search
Simple search only shows keyword hits in the results list, and we try to give you the best option if what you're searching for is not a keyword. In advanced search, however, you can show hits on inflected forms and in the definitions (free text search). You can also filter by word class, and truncate and combine the searches with special characters.
Wildcard search
If unsure of the spelling of a word or want results from more than one article, it is possible to use % and * to replace zero, one or more characters. Underscore (_) replaces only one character. You may use the wilcard symbols multiple times in your search expression.
- The search query “arbeid*r”, will result in results in the drop-down menu with “arbeider” (worker) in the Bokmål dictionary and “arbeidar” (worker) in the Nynorsk Dictionary.
- The search query “inter%es%ant” returns the result “interessant” (interesting) in both dictionaries.
- The search query “førsk%lær_r” gives resutls for “førskolelærer” (pre-school teacher) in the Bokmål dictionary and “førskolelærar/førskulelærar” (pre-school teacher) in the Nynorsk dictionary.
- The search query «ku__» returns four letter words starting with «ku».
Combine search terms
The symbol | allows you to use in several search words at the same time. You can also combine search words that contain wildcard symbols.
- The search “kjærlighet|kjærleik” yields the result “kjærlighet” in the Bokmål dictionary and “kjærleik” (love) in the Nynorsk dictionary.
- The search “undervis_r|lær_r” results in “underviser” (teacher) and “lærer” (teacher) in the Bokmål dictionary and “undervisar” and “lærar” in the Nynorsk dictionary.